When it comes to tracking your business performance, you don’t have to limit yourself to your internal database. Smart marketers know that there is a lot to be gained from integrating all of their 1st party data from external marketing systems into one place. Roivenue helps them connect the worlds of marketing and business into one seamless experience.


The Clients 


Sazka is a leading lottery company in the Czech Republic with billions in revenue. It offers a whole range of betting products including lottery tickets and sports bets as well as non-lottery products like a virtual tele-operator and an event ticket portal. With such a wide product mix, dozens of websites and a rich portfolio of ad technologies, the robustness and flexibility of Roivenue Data Integration was exactly what their CMO was looking for.


groupm-hero-logo-rgbGroupM is the world’s largest advertising media company in terms of billings. With tens of thousands of clients and over 30,000 employees spread out in 81 countries, GroupM always utilises the best state-of-the-art MarTech and AdTech solutions on the market that can stand up against its high expectations.




Ušetř is a leading Czech utility comparison website which was recently acquired by ČSOB, asubsidiary of KBC. The service has helped over 2.2 million people find cheaper energy, telco, internet, loan, mortgage, credit card and bank account providers. The ability to fine-tune the data integration separately across their different verticals was a crucial decision factor when choosing a provider.



The Solution

Roivenue Data Integration is an ETL solution for your marketing, engineered to work with large sets of data. It connects directly to theever-growing number of marketing platforms like Facebook or Google DoubleClick and web analytical tools like Google Analytics orAdobe Analytics and extracts the required data on the most granular (i.e. individual) level. It can also add any transformations alongthe way like connecting data from web analytic tools and marketing platforms to analyse, for example, the ROI of your campaigns or real cost per acquisition (CPA).


Thanks to the transformation you can create a much deeper and detailed analysis which analytics tools provide, only on higher level like event or path analysis. You can even create your own data warehouse for data from web analytics tools and marketing platforms and have them stored in a way that every data analyst (not just web data analyst) can understand and work with them. Finally, it stores the data in a cloud storage of your choosing, for instance, MS Azure Blob Storage or Google Cloud Storage. The ability to run an unlimited number of connectors and data requests makes Roivenue Data Integration a sought out solution for large enterprises as well as agile and fast growing e-commerce retailers.


While the Roivenue Attribution product focuses on advanced marketing challenges like post-view attribution or CLV analysis, Roivenue Data Integration is the backbone of any data processing within a marketing department. If you need to have all of your data in one place for further analysing and dashboarding, look no further.


Main strengths of Roivenue Data Integration:

- Extraction of online data on a selected granular level, working with personal or even impression level data
- Robustness of the solution, engineered to handle large datasets
- Presentation of data in your destination of choice and updated daily
- Growing the number of connectors to marketing platforms



The Use Cases

Connecting all of your data together is the first step toward becoming a real data driven business operation. Roivenue is here to be your partner in this transformation. To get an idea about where it’s going to take you, we present a few of our data integration projects:



“Roivenue gives our analytical team a complete freedom in choosing exactly the right data to extract and analyze”


“Our focus on the online part of our business has been increasing over the past few years. To be able to cope with the ever-increasing amount of data from our online marketing campaigns, we have started developing our own in-house analytics team. For them, the Roivenue Data Integration solution has proven to be very valuable. Not only is it saving us a huge amount of time on data collection and preparation, it’s also enabling us to analyze our online data in a way that would otherwise be very difficult and costly. The daily refreshed dataset of connected funnel from investment to conversion with all the metrics we need has proven to be a very valuable resource. We also see great benefit in the fact that we can operate Roivenue platform connectors, which gives us freedom in selecting exactly what data we want to extract and analyze.”

Martin Novák, Head of Business Intelligence



“Reporting time cut by 90 %, new ways of data slicing enabled”

“Our business is focused on lead creation for our partners in banking, insurance, and telco services. As we differentiate these leads into more than 10 verticals, we need to categorize them by vertical and connect them with acquisition marketing campaigns, which has proven to be quite challenging. Our cooperation with Roivenue has started only recently and we already have a custom built database available with all our marketing data, which is refreshed daily. Roivenue provides us with categorized data from campaigns connected with website traffic and conversion data. Later, we connect this with our internal database, where we track the fulfillment of acquired leads. With our acquisition and conversion funnel connected, we now see what really works and what doesn’t and we can thus focus on optimizing our campaigns and services. It also pleases us that the Roivenue team is quite flexible with their offering and is willing to work with us to find solutions matching our situation.


As a result of this project, we’ve been able to cut reporting time costs by 90% and thanks to automatic data flows we are now able to look at our business in a way which previously wasn’t possible.”

Libor Začal, Lead Strategist




“We can now process data from all or our clients and build beautiful custom reports for them”


“Roivenue data integration enables us to access all data from our client campaigns in a structure which

complies with our planning and reporting standards. The Roivenue team has worked with us closely during

the implementation phase and made sure that the prepared database will fit our specific needs. Now we have all the data at hand necessary to track the performance of our campaigns and also to build custom reporting for our various clients. With many hours saved on data preparation, we can now fully focus on what we are best at. Thanks to Roivenue Data integration, we have saved 10 hours weekly on budget reporting per agency within our group.”

Michal Charvát, Data Manager


Take a look under the hood of Roivenue’s Data Integration Solution

For better understanding, it might be helpful to provide an example of typical output. From our experience thus far, a high-level

output table looks something like this:


Dimensions > Source, Medium, Campaign, Adgroup, Keyword/Banner, TransactionID

Metrics > Cost, Views, Impressions, Clicks, Sessions, Pages per Session, Bounces, Conversions, Revenue.


The example above is our answer to the traditional question in marketing – what does my spending actually bring back in? If you are more so interested in a deep analysis of a single platform, queries can be set up to load data combinations based on your preference. In-depth reporting on display campaigns from your favorite DSP? Properly evaluating the reach from Facebook and AdWords campaigns? Products sold with traffic sources evaluation over time? You name it.


Link up to data in your database by transaction ID and let your data analyst go crazy. Don’t have transaction ID tracking setup finished yet? No problem, we have experience with this as well and we’ll be glad to work out the right solution for you.

There are no worries about the freshness of data either. We’ve optimized the process to such a degree that we’re able to provide complete data up to the last day at 8 AM each morning. This way you can start your day off with all the information you need. 


And where might this take you? One of the cases is realizing the real impact of product campaigns on sold items. Consider the following example:

In an online sports apparel store, you are running a product campaign for shoes, but the orders placed resulting from these campaigns consist of many other product categories. Could it be that people tend to click through shoe campaigns, but in the end they purchase shirts? And what types of shirts? What is the typical basket resulting from this shoe campaign comprised of? What are the best acquisition product campaigns?


 All of these questions can be solved, all you need is data. That’s where we come in.

Diagram Example:

What needs to happen to get your data integration going? The implementation process can be summarized in the following points:

  1. Define which marketing platforms will be connected
  2. Talk to your CSM about the ways in which you want the data to be presented – on what level of granularity and if you want to have some specific parameters included in the output
  3. The Roivenue team prepares everything for you – from data loading to the defining of the export structure
  4. A loaded and polished dataset is waiting for you in the cloud database, refreshed daily

Now what? Well, if you have an in-house analyst, it’s his time to get to work. In any instance, you can count on the availability of a growing library of Power BI templates developed by the Roivenue team on our many use cases. These templates can be connected to the cloud database and visualize the data it contains for you.


Key Takeaways:

- Roivenue Data Integration integrates all data from your online marketing into comprehensive output

- This output is provided in the form of a cloud database

- The output structure is customized to your needs – you define what will be loaded and presented

- Data is refreshed daily

- You have full freedom to work with this database – built analysis by itself or connect it further with your internal database

- The Roivenue Data Integration is able to accommodate demanding needs of large enterprises, world class agencies as well as of fast-growing e-commerce projects

- The Roivenue team will assist you along the way and provide you with access to a library of Power BI templates​


Topics: Case Studies